Monday, November 22, 2021

I remember San Francisco, the Top of the Mark and the Fairmont. Coit tower, the cable cars, the Golden Gate Bridge. But I been there, done that. This is home now.

 Moving to rural Missouri was like going back in time. There is not hustle bustle, everyone has time to chat. Their are few drugs. Few druggies. Little crime. People have pickups and dogs in the back. The women prefer older men. Know skills is a status symbol. I remember San Francisco, the Top of the Mark and the Fairmont. Coit tower, the cable cars, the Golden Gate Bridge. But I been there, done that. This is home now. 

Everyone has a chainsaw and knows how to sharpen it. People put Puzzles together, play board games, whittle. There are bonfires in the fall and Christmas parties in the winter. People go to the city after the harvest to lay in supplies for the winter. 

 Chasing The Monuments.TYPES OF PEOPLE WHO DON’T GIVE A FUCK (And How to Become One of Them)"HOLY CRAP"Shit Happens, Excuses And Assholes, Things In Common. American Birds. Hands Flying.Be the type of person that makes everyone you come across feel perfectly okay with being exactly who they are. #Time to stop, time to face snakes under the skins, gifts to share. Animal Tunes:Cartoon hits, lots of jokes and laughter, good times with bad cats, cat and mouse pokes.

I concur, water is the fix, but that would not make enough money. So they sell pills, and more pills, for the fix that cost a lot of $$$$S. Sinners and saints in high places, ways to stay poor, broke, and stuck at a job, just over broke. Treats 2 Delight.REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING BECAUSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, LET KNOW ONE TELL’S YOU ANY DIFFERENT.

Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.Here’s To Our Past, And Presents(s) Always.Eyes Open Daily:Treats 2 Delight.REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING BECAUSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, LET KNOW ONE TELL’S YOU ANY DIFFERENT.Here’s To Our Past, And Presents(s) Always.Eyes Open Daily:Treats 2 Delight.Sinners and saints, dances in the winds, birds and…
.. Rach Jay: Thief just like Daddy.

May be a meme of text that says 'Me waiting for you to read the google results back to me after I told you I was right'

INSTANT KARMA!!Gifts of tales to share.Thanks. Normal Heights.A man without grace is as a tale out of season.Fighting Against Yourself,Good sense makes a man slow to anger.Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily: Angels.Say What?Illuminati Exposed. ATG Radio Network.This. Change.

Elizabeth Warren dropped two excellent policy ideas today, and the New York Times is publishing articles about what Neera Tanden said to her mom about Bernie Sanders. Super excited to relive all the bullshit of 2016! Do we Allow the Shadows to keep taking away the person we have become. (The new Birth) by snuffing out that which has become so bright?Treats 2 Delight.REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING BECAUSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, LET KNOW ONE TELL’S YOU ANY DIFFERENT.
I concur, water is the fix, but that would not make enough money. So they sell pills, and more pills, for the fix that cost a lot of $$$$S. Sinners and saints in high places, ways to stay poor, broke, and stuck at a job, just over broke. Treats 2 Delight.REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING BECAUSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, LET KNOW ONE TELL’S YOU ANY DIFFERENT.

Princess Life, Simple, slow, stupid, no green card, will kill you in the middle of the night. True love for a dump guy, dances with snakes in the grass, dicks, dikes, donkeys in the hills of Lake Eyesore. Pages to go...By the book. Alone Again. Where is My Mind (1988).Lights To Shine.Out Of Fucks To Give:No Free Fucks.Rotten Tomatoes: Rotten To The Core, NY Retards. Nazi camps, Nazi buses when the crowds are in, cows .

I concur, water is the fix, but that would not make enough money. So they sell pills, and more pills, for the fix that cost a lot of $$$$S. Sinners and saints in high places, ways to stay poor, broke, and stuck at a job, just over broke. Treats 2 Delight.REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING BECAUSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, LET KNOW ONE TELL’S YOU ANY DIFFERENT.

Rach Jay, Chuck Moore, Rachel Jarrot,Simple, slow, stupid, no green card, will kill you in the middle of the night. True love for a dump guy, dances with snakes in the grass, dicks, dikes, donkeys in the hills of Lake Eyesore. Pages to go...By the book. Alone Again. Where is My Mind (1988) Dream Life: Coins Flip, Faces On Rat Racers.Hollywood is Empty-

I concur, water is the fix, but that would not make enough money. So they sell pills, and more pills, for the fix that cost a lot of $$$$S. Sinners and saints in high places, ways to stay poor, broke, and stuck at a job, just over broke. Treats 2 Delight.REMEMBER ONE LOVE ALWAYS AND KEEP SMILING BECAUSE YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, LET KNOW ONE TELL’S YOU ANY DIFFERENT.

INSTANT KARMA!!Gifts of tales to share.Thanks. Normal Heights.A man without grace is as a tale out of season.Fighting Against Yourself,Good sense makes a man slow to anger.Faces, Views, Noses, Chicks, Babes, Lots Of Luck, Lessons Daily: Angels.Say What?Illuminati Exposed. ATG Radio Network.This. Change.


 'The reality is... None of us are easy to be with.. we all suffer from something.. So when you meet someone who's willing to stay.. committed to understanding you & actually wants to grow w/you.Ways to grow, winds to wings, birds and bees, songs to sing, dances in the light of day. Good times, sad times, waves to be made.He was such a cutie back then all the girls wanted him now he looks like Kramer on Seinfeld!

Good And Sweet: Tips, Tales, Dimes To Drop. Waves In Words.Now if we're being honest...He was such a cutie back then all the girls wanted him now he looks like Kramer on Seinfeld!

Cash forever, gifts waiting for you, write the paperwork for the stories, that will give you cash for the time served.Same Home Depot, just cheaper. Literally played out on the Balcony with My BabyBelle, Oh My God, Views Shared, Good Times.He was such a cutie back then all the girls wanted him now he looks like Kramer on Seinfeld!

I just want a piece of the sky every day. Forever and a day, in the moment, with the start at now in the present.'go where your heart finds peace.'Ways to grow, winds to wings, birds and bees, songs to sing, dances in the light of day. Good times, sad times, waves to be made.

Cheeses, new bedding, cases of wine, rope, tack, yes everyone has a horse and they ride them to town. Everyone goes to town on Saturday here. And to church on Sunday. Hunting and fishing is a big deal here and there Chiefs as well. 

The breakfast at the cafe is a part of the day. Groups of men, the same men meet there every morning. Farm auctions are an event with homemade food and pies. Bar-B-que is excellent and debated fiercely. There people remember the 6' snow storms and now only a foot or so. 

We are all walking our own paths, living on our own timeline. And you don’t get to choose the timing for another person's healing. It makes sense that when a relationship isn’t working, we wish to help the other person see how they could be different. It seems obvious to us that if only they would 'xxxx', we could be happyThe hearth is the gathering place. Popping corn and huddling around on cold winter nights with the dog let in. We sleep a lot. We read books a lot. We tell tales, stories a lot.I remember San Francisco, the Top of the Mark and the Fairmont. Coit tower, the cable cars, the Golden Gate Bridge. But I been there, done that. This is home now. 
Kool well we already know you never loved me. Never cared about me. Your actions proved that from day one.. you were never real friend. Fake about everything. Lied too many times to keep a list.. so , resentment isn't a big thing. Just add it to the list of how you really felt toward me..
It was a nightmare, it was hell on earth, it was hell in a coffin with a fat, gay, Jewish white dream boat, a whale of a man, and problems with truthful and honesty, the games that people play.Happy Happy Birthday ... 

This is some creepy, collapse-of-society shit. Frustrated, lonely psycho realizes he can dress up like a surreal Doom Patrol villain and go break stuff and blow off steam and it’ll be blamed on the protesters. More of this coming, unfortunately.CARIBBEAN QUEEN NO MORE LOVE ON THE RUN.

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